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InvestActive: The power of balance and discipline to portfolios

How is InvestActive "A Balanced Approach"?
Equity investments often tend to develop a bias - too much trading or too much long term, too much of a sector or too little of a style, or too much diversification. All of these tend to create sub normal returns for investments over the medium to long term. InvestActive attempts to bring you the best of opportunities in a balanced fashion - with a little bit of each in the right quantities. Our back testing shows that our allocations, while sounding simplistic, can generate above market returns with its 'core' and 'satellite' approach. InvestActive presents a well balanced exposure to these different strategies to ensure that a part of your investments is always working to generate money, irrespective of the overall market mood.
InvestActive is a service for investors seeking guidance from one of India's leading research houses. We believe investors can benefit from a disciplined approach and balanced investing strategy as our back-tested performance table shows.
While a lot of investors may have the need and even the knowledge, paucity of time may often lead to surprises in the investments, which InvestActive seeks to avoid. In addition, it removes speculation from investing as our calls are backed by substantial experience and analysis.
Source : plindia
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