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Salgirah Khushiali Mubarak

 Source : Theismaili On 13 December 2024, Ismailis around the world will celebrate Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 88th birthday — an occasion to reflect on the unique spiritual bond that links each  murid  to the Imam-of-the-Time. Throughout history, Ismaili Muslims have been led by a living, hereditary Imam-of-the-Time descended from the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) through his cousin and son-in-law, Hazrat Ali, and his daughter, Hazrat Bibi Fatima. On 13 December 2024, the global Jamat will celebrate the 88th birthday of our present living Imam, His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan. Born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1936, he succeeded his grandfather to become the 49th Imam at the age of 20. During over six decades of his Imamat, Mawlana Hazar Imam has devoted himself to the spiritual and worldly progress of Ismailis everywhere. Throughout this time, he has also been recognised as an influential and respected leader on the world stage, by vi...

Navratri - Hindu Festival

Navratri, in Hinduism, major festival held in honour of the divine feminine. Navratri occurs over 9 days during the month of Ashvin, or Ashvina (in the Gregorian calendar, usually September–October). It often ends with the Dussehra (also called Vijayadashami) celebration on the 10th day. In some parts of India, Dussehra is considered a focal point of the festival, making it effectively span 10 days instead of 9. Additionally, as Navratri depends on the lunar calendar, in some years it may be celebrated for 8 days, with Dussehra on the 9th. There are four similar festivals, also called Navratri, which are held at various stages of the year. However, the early autumn festival, also called Sharad Navratri, is the most significant. It begins on the same day as Durga Puja, a 10-day festival devoted to the victory of the goddess Durga, which is particularly celebrated in certain eastern states.   Navratri is celebrated differently in India’s various regions. For many people it is a time ...


  SUNNI:- (1) Hanafi, (2) Shafi, (3) Maliki, (4) Hanbali. SHI'ITE:- (5) Ithna Asharis, (6) Ismailis, 7) Bohra, (8) Alwi, (9) Abadia, (10) Abbasia, (11) Kaisaniya, (12) Zaidia, (13) Matnasakhia, (14)Mut'razia, (15) Tania, (16) Razia, (17)Ishaqia.

Humble Man - Lal Bahadur Shastri

  He had not told his mother that he was a railway minister. Was told that  "I work in railway". He once came to an event organised by Railway where his mother also came, asking that my son is also here, he is also in the railway. People asked what is the name ?? When she told the name, everyone was shocked, " She is lying ". But she said, " No he has come". People took her in front of Lal Bahadur Shastriji and asked, " Is this is your son? So the mother said " yes he is my son." People showed the minister, " Is she your mother? " Then Shastri ji called his mother and sat with her and after some time sent her home. So the reporters asked " Why didn't you give a speech in front of her ". So he said - My mother does not know that I am a minister. If she comes to know,  she will start recommending people   and I will not be able to refuse … and she will also have arrogance. Everyone was shocked to...

Eid al-Fitr - EID Mubarak

  Eid al-Fitr is an Arabic term which means the ‘festival of breaking (the fast).’ The festival marks the culmination of the month of Ramadan, during which Muslims turn inwards through fasting and spiritual devotion; and outwards through acts of kindness and compassion. Historically, Muslims have celebrated Eid al-Fitr since the time of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him and his family), emphasising our values of spiritual upliftment and generosity towards those facing difficulty and hardship. It is an occasion of peace, happiness, joy, and festivity. During Fatimid times, Ismaili Imam-Caliphs used to address believers on the day of Eid in a  Khutba  (sermon). In an Eid address in the 10th century CE, Mawlana al-Qaim told a gathered assembly of believers that this day of Eid is a festival that Allah honours and exalts. He counsels Muslims on this day to “be faithful in your intentions and submit your requests to God.” Traditionally, Eid al-Fitr begins at sunset on th...

Laylat al-Qadr - The Night of Power

  Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power, commemorates one of the most significant events in the history of Islam. It is the night when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) received the first revelation from Allah.  According to tradition, the Prophet Muhammad used to retreat to Jabal an-Nur, a mountain outside of Mecca, for a month or so every year. There, he would meditate in isolation in the cave of Hira. During one such retreat the Prophet had a profound spiritual experience when the Angel Gabriel inspired him to: “Recite in the Name of thy Lord Who created, created man of a blood clot. Recite! Thy Lord is most noble, Who taught by the Pen, taught man that which he knew not.” (Surah al Alaq, ayat 1-5) Laylat al-Qadr commemorates the night during which these first verses of the Holy Qur’an were revealed. Read More at  :    THEISMAILI 

Mowlana Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan III

48th Imam - Direct Desendant of Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh) His Highness the Agakhan Karim Al-Hussaini- Maulana Hazar Imam, Pays Tribute to his grandfather : "Many Many Memories come to our minds as we think of him. He achieved in his life, for our community ,that which could only have been accomplished normally in a period of many generations. The tributes that the world has paid him bear Honest Testimony to his great life and work"- Takht Nashini,Karachi,January 23,1958 Read more About Agakhan III visit :